The Value of Destruction to Modern Islamic Scholarship
October 17, 2017
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Now that the dust has begun to settle from the Muslim phone app betrayal, let’s examine how Islam looks at the action of suspicion and spying. Is it a matter of our freedom being trampled…
Keep Reading ->We have all heard the importance of an intention. But have we understood the relationship of intention to action and the consequences when we meet Allâh(سبحانه وتعالى). The speaker brilliantly explains the relation of intention…
Keep Reading ->Every year, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, a moment of silence is observed to pay homage to the fallen Allied soldiers of World War One. Similarly, the event…
Keep Reading ->It’s unfortunate that a COVID-19 has brought Death and the End of this life as a reality. However, as Muslims, we are reminded countless numbers of times in the Quran & the Sunnah about the…
Keep Reading ->What started as an experiment in Athens over two thousand years ago eventually pervaded every continent and every land. Democracy, Democracy, Democracy is the repeated call that bellows from the four corners of the globe….
Keep Reading ->The death of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was a significant event; all Muslims in Medina and its surroundings heard of the news and there was an influx of Muslims into Medina and the Masjid. Although…
Keep Reading ->When the Call to Islam grew complete and the new Deen dominated the Messenger of Allâh (ﷺ) started to develop certain symptoms that indicated that he would return to his Creator Allâh(سبحانه وتعالى). Join the speaker…
Keep Reading ->October 17, 2017
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October 17, 2017