Being Time Conscious

End of Semester… No more tests, homework, class! Freedom to do what you want when you want!  Join us as the sheik explains the importance of being time conscious as students take a break during…

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Flashes of Unity at the World Cup

In the Muslim World where the thought of unity is met with “Unity of the Muslims is not possible”, it was refreshing to see Muslims around the world be proud of the Moroccan football team…

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What is Interfaith Dialogue?

What is Interfaith Dialogue?  Inviting non-Muslims to Islam is a matter that Allah (سبحانه وتعالى.) has made obligatory on all Muslims. The Muslims have been doing this for fourteen centuries, and continue to call others to Islam….

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Practical Treatments of Crises and Epidemics under the Khilafah

Practical Treatments of Crises and Epidemics under the Khilafah We live in times where Western global leadership in containing the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has been called into question by its own people, let alone the…

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Al-Khilafah Al-Rashidah (Rightly guided Caliphate) that we Yearn

Al-Khilafah Al-Rashidah (Rightly guided Caliphate) that we yearn The present generations did not grow up in awareness of the Islamic State that implements Islam as it was revealed. This absence of awareness has lasted for nearly…

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Fruits of Democracy

What started as an experiment in Athens over two thousand years ago eventually pervaded every continent and every land. Democracy, Democracy, Democracy is the repeated call that bellows from the four corners of the globe….

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Seerah 49: Delegations from various tribes – Year of Delegations

A review of the key points and understanding of the battles (Ghazawa) is provided to set the framework for understanding the acceptance of Islam in many delegation after conquest  Makkah(Fatah Makkah) and the battle of…

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