Youth Eid al-Fitr Khutbah- Acknowledging Allahs Blessings with Gradtitude & Responsibility

In this profound youth Eid al-Fitr khutbah, the speaker delves into the human tendency to take our blessings for granted and highlights the importance of cultivating gratitude for the countless gifts Allah(swt) has bestowed upon…

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Unpacking the True Meaning of Ramadan-Beyond Fasting and Prayers

As we pass the first 10 days of Ramadan, the Sheik reflects and reminds us on the blessings and responsibilities of the holy month of Ramadan. The Sheik reminds us to begin by thanking Allah(swt)…

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Taraweeh Reflections Day 9 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

In today’s Taraweeh Reflections Day 9, the Sheik brings forth a poignant discussion revolving around Surah At-Tawbah verse 31.  This verse holds great relevance for Muslims in contemporary times. The verse conveys how the Yuhud…

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Flashes of Unity at the World Cup

In the Muslim World where the thought of unity is met with “Unity of the Muslims is not possible”, it was refreshing to see Muslims around the world be proud of the Moroccan football team…

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Whats your Legacy?

Talk 1: Muslim Youth leaving a Legacy Talk2: Hidden attack on the Messenger of Allah (SAW)

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The Cause and Solution for the Division of the Ummah

The problems stemming from the division of our global Ummah are too many to count.  Why are we divided? What causes us to divide? What can bring us together as one Ummah? Join the sheik…

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Carrying the Prophetsﷺ Legacy to Attain the Pleasure of Allah (swt)

There are many great characters in history, but none of their legacies impacted the world nor shaped the politics and lives of nations to the extent that the life and legacy of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. …

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Surah Al-Buruj- Ultimate Achievement is Attaining the Pleasure of Allah

The most important goal a Muslim aims to achieve in his or her life is the pleasure of Allah. Whatever comes on our path in life, achieving this goal is what is on our mind…

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Surah At-Tin – More than just Meaningful Oaths from Allah(swt)

At first glance, the Mecca Surah at-Tin (The Fig) provides some powerful Oaths from Allah(swt) and gives some insights on the creation of Man.  However, let’s join the Sheik and look deeply into what the…

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Connecting the New Year to our Lives

Very often when the marking of the New Year and the Hijrah (migration to Medinah) is discussed, we tend to limit ourselves to the details describing how the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم)hid in a…

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