Gaining Strength from the Past – Empowering Today’s Ummah Through History

Today, as we witness a global outcry against the genocide and injustices faced by our brothers and sisters in Gaza, it is clear that this is a geopolitical issue with clear moral imperatives rooted in…

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Taraweeh Reflections Day 9 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

In today’s Taraweeh Reflections Day 9, the Sheik brings forth a poignant discussion revolving around Surah At-Tawbah verse 31.  This verse holds great relevance for Muslims in contemporary times. The verse conveys how the Yuhud…

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The Cause and Solution for the Division of the Ummah

The problems stemming from the division of our global Ummah are too many to count.  Why are we divided? What causes us to divide? What can bring us together as one Ummah? Join the sheik…

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Carrying the Prophetsﷺ Legacy to Attain the Pleasure of Allah (swt)

There are many great characters in history, but none of their legacies impacted the world nor shaped the politics and lives of nations to the extent that the life and legacy of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. …

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Surah Al-Buruj- Ultimate Achievement is Attaining the Pleasure of Allah

The most important goal a Muslim aims to achieve in his or her life is the pleasure of Allah. Whatever comes on our path in life, achieving this goal is what is on our mind…

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Surah At-Tin – More than just Meaningful Oaths from Allah(swt)

At first glance, the Mecca Surah at-Tin (The Fig) provides some powerful Oaths from Allah(swt) and gives some insights on the creation of Man.  However, let’s join the Sheik and look deeply into what the…

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Protests against Hijab in Iran- A Women’s Perspective

Br. Bilal Abdul-Kareem from On the Ground News interviews Dr. Nazreen Nawaz, Director of the Women’s Section in the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir, regarding how Muslims should respond to protests against the…

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What To Know About Pakistan’s Catastrophic Floods

Pakistan is grappling with its worst flooding in living memory. A staggering one-third of the country was underwater as of this week, with more than 30 million people affected over the last few weeks—killing at…

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A Muslims Back to School Guide-What Parents & Students need to know before students return to School

A Muslims Back to School Guide-What Parents & Students need to know before students return to School It’s almost time for students at all levels in the US to head back to the classroom. Fears…

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Powerful Spoken Word- From al-Hind to al-Quds

An emotional picture painted by Sami Abu Musa as a spoken word on the situation of our Ummah from al-Hind to al-Quds and a reminder that the Khilafah is coming soon.

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