Dhikr – Du’a – Day of Arafat (Hajj) – SubhanAllahi Wa Bihamdihi SubhanAllahil Azeem

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (?) said, ?There are two statements that are light for the tongue to remember, heavy in the Scales and are dear to…

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Dhikr – Du’a – Day of Arafat (Hajj) – SubhanAllah Walhamdulillah Wala Ilaha Illallah Wallahu Akbar

The Prophet (?) said: ?When I say ?SubhanAllah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah wallaahu akbar (Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, there is no god except Allah, and Allah is Most Great)?, this is…

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Whats your Legacy?

Talk 1: Muslim Youth leaving a Legacy Talk2: Hidden attack on the Messenger of Allah (SAW)

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Surah At-Tin – More than just Meaningful Oaths from Allah(swt)

At first glance, the Mecca Surah at-Tin (The Fig) provides some powerful Oaths from Allah(swt) and gives some insights on the creation of Man.  However, let’s join the Sheik and look deeply into what the…

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A Forgotten Lesson of the 10th of Muharram – Ashura

Muharram is a blessed month, of which the 10th is a unique and important date. Muslims are recommended to fast on the 9th and 10th or the 10th and 11th. There are many events in…

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Dhikr – Du’a – Day of Arafat (Hajj) – SubhanAllah Walhamdulillah Wala Ilaha Illallah Wallahu Akbar

The Prophet (?) said: “When I say “SubhanAllah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah wallaahu akbar (Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, there is no god except Allah, and Allah is Most Great)”, this is…

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Youth Presentation: Day of Arafat Planner

Plan for the Day of Arafat. The ninth day of Dhul Hijjah is the Day of Arafat. It is the day when pilgrims stand on the plain of Arafat to pray. This day holds great…

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International Women’s day: Celebration or Sorrow?

International women’s day in which women come together globally to celebrate the political, social and economic inroads that women have made in the last century. The discussion of women’s rights began to take shape in…

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Should there be a Black History Month?

Should there be a Black History Month? The speaker discusses this question by exploring the life & mindset of Malik el-Shabazz (Malcolm X) upon accepting Islam. Furthermore, the speaker educates on how the Deen (Creed) of Islam ensures that humanity does not fall…

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Dua for a Cold Day

Many of us are facing extreme weather conditions, with temperatures dropping well below freezing. In times of hardship it is vital that we should remember to supplicate to Allah سبحانه وتعالى. May Allah (سبحانه وتعالى)…

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