Reflecting on the Ummah: Are We Fulfilling Our Collective Duty

How should Muslim’s respond when the Muslim world is fractured by divisions, injustice prevails, and suffering? Let’s join the sheik and reflect on our collective responsibilities and the critical importance of our Ummah. Through the…

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Reviving the Ummah: Answering the Call of Al-Fatihah in Our Lives

In the face of suffering in Gaza, Sudan, and beyond, it’s time to ask ourselves: Are we truly embodying the guidance of Islam in our lives? While we recite Al-Fatihah every day, do we genuinely…

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Shattering the Great Divide- Reclaiming Islam’s Complete Guidance

Why is it that we, as Muslims, we have come to view our Deen with a secular lens, accepting Islam as a personal path but turning elsewhere for answers on governance, justice, and societal solutions?…

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Islam Without Limits-Ending the Secular Divide in Our Deen

Why is it that we, as Muslims, have come to view our Deen with a secular lens, accepting Islam as a personal path but turning elsewhere for answers on governance, justice, and social solutions—even as…

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One Year of Gaza’s Suffering- What Will Answer on the Day of Judgment?

For over a year, we’ve watched a relentless genocide unfold in Gaza as our leaders remain complicit in silence.  On the Day of Judgment, when the mothers, fathers, and children of Gaza confront us, demanding…

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A year of Complacency – What Did You Do For Us?

We’ve witnessed a year of suffering in Gaza without action. We have allowed our limbs to be severed, our unity dismantled, and our leadership – to stand complicit in betrayal!  How can Muslims, with our…

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The War expands to Lebanon- Dr Abu Talha

In this discussion, let’s analyze the complexities of Lebanon’s role in the larger geopolitical conflict, particularly in relation to Hezbollah’s involvement and the ongoing crises in Gaza and the Middle East. Lebanon has long been…

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New Beginnings-Old Challenges- Will we live up to our Legacy?

As we start this new school year, let’s challenge ourselves to confront the ongoing crisis in Gaza and ask:  What role do we play in making a difference?  Let’s draw upon the the lives of…

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Seeking True Guidance in Times of Crisis from our Scholars

In a world filled with challenges, from the ongoing crisis in Gaza to the struggles in Bangladesh, Sudan, and Pakistan, countless lives are impacted by starvation, disease, and violence. Amid these tragedies, we must ask…

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From Karbala to Gaza – The Struggle for Justice

Join us for a powerful exploration of courage, justice, and unwavering principles to discover the profound connections between the stand of Husain ibn Ali (RA) against tyranny and the current struggle in Gaza. Through the…

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