Gaining Strength from the Past – Empowering Today’s Ummah Through History

Today, as we witness a global outcry against the genocide and injustices faced by our brothers and sisters in Gaza, it is clear that this is a geopolitical issue with clear moral imperatives rooted in…

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Faith in Action: Responding to Crisis in Gaza

Join this student leader confront the harsh realities faced in Gaza, marking over six months of intense suffering. This discussion is not just about acknowledging the facts—it’s about taking action. As a community united by…

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Battle of the Trench to Gaza: Lessons for the Path to Justice, Resilience and Muslim Unity

Join the sheik as we explore pivotal lessons from the Battle of the Trench, where the Sahabah faced overwhelming odds with absolute courage. This discussion will draw parallels to today’s global challenges, particularly in Gaza,…

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