Taraweeh Reflections Day 28 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

On the 28th night of Taraweeh Reflections, the Sheikh discusses the significance of Surah ‘Abasa, which was revealed in Mecca during the Makkan era. The verses addressed (Surah ‘Abasa – 1-16) an incident where Prophet…

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Taraweeh Reflections Day 4 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

In this podcast episode, the speaker delves into the teachings of Surah Nisa and its relevance to day-to-day issues faced by Muslims. The verses discussed emphasize the importance of obedience to Allah(swt), His messenger(saw), and…

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Understanding the violence against Muslims in Leicester, UK and other areas

Violence has been escalating for months against Muslims in many parts of the UK. Join Br. Mazhar as he explains what is going on and the what the response of the Muslims must be. Source:…

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The Queen is Dead: a Muslim’s Response

Queen Elizabeth II, England’s(UK) longest-serving monarch, has died at age 96, after reigning for 70 years. Join the sheik as he discusses death of any soul and the Muslim response specifically to the death of…

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Youth Presentation: Debunking Period Myths: Is My Period a Curse or Blessing?

We’re excited to kick off our latest series “Debunking Period Myths” by answering the question “Is My Period a Curse or Blessing?” The taboo surrounding menstruation has caused women around the world to feel ashamed,…

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Youth Presentation: Clearing Up Misunderstandings About Hijab

As awareness about the Hijab increases worldwide, a lot of misunderstandings have come about. In this video we will address some of them, such as the concept of wearing Hijab in one’s heart, Hijab in…

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Youth Presentation: Podcast: Talking About Hijab

Listen in on a discussion between four young Muslimahs about the requirements of Hijab, what it’s like wearing it in a non-Muslim country, and their unique experiences. ?? LIKE ? SHARE ? SUBSCRIBE ? Subscribe…

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Today’s Youth- The Future of the Ummah

The challenges and current state of the future generation of the Muslims is one of the most vital issues for this Ummah and the future of its Deen. Join this excellent discussion on how to…

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Youth Presentation: COVID-19 Concerns By Youth, For Youth! – Trailer

Join us LIVE Sunday, March 29th at 5pm Central Standard Time for DEEN One?s LIVE Webcast on YOUTUBE— COVID-19 Concerns By Youth, For Youth! The COVID-19 Crisis has shaken daily routines of Youth and raised…

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Taraweeh Message in Focus Day 24

In the month of Ramadan Muslims enjoin in the maintaining of fasts, paying Zakat, offering Sadaqa and strengthening spirituality. Taraweeh is a form of Qiyaam-ul-Layl (night prayer) specified in the month of Ramadan where whomever prays Taraweeh,…

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