Rebuilding the Ummah’s Strength

Join the Sheik as he uncovers the pressing question: where is the victory that Allah(swt) has promised? Amidst the turmoil faced by the Muslim Ummah in Bangladesh, Kashmir, and Palestine,Gaza, and beyond, it’s clear that our own actions…

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Gaining Strength from the Past – Empowering Today’s Ummah Through History

Today, as we witness a global outcry against the genocide and injustices faced by our brothers and sisters in Gaza, it is clear that this is a geopolitical issue with clear moral imperatives rooted in…

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Ashura Insights: Historical Perspectives and Present Lessons

The day of Ashura, observed on the 10th of Muharram in the Islamic calendar, encapsulates two historical events with lessons for today. It marked the day Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) saved Prophet Musa (alayhi salaam)…

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