Seerah 28: Military Activities between Battle of Badr and Uhud Part 1

The Battle of Badr was the first armed encounter between the Muslims and Quraish. It was in fact a decisive battle that gained the Muslims a historic victory acknowledged by all the Arabs, and dealt…

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Taraweeh Reflections: Juz 8) Allah is with the steadfast

The people of Nuh (a.s) responded to his call with negativity and rejection. Similarly, Islam today is deemed to be ‘backwards’ and ‘barbaric’ – however, we too must be steadfast in carrying Islam just like…

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Taraweeh Reflections: Juz 7) No humility in ‘me, myself & I

Amidst a culture which places oneself at the fore, arrogance becomes rife and accountability is thrown out of the window. Personal interest coming before taking responsibility and providing solutions to humanity, creates the problems and…

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Taraweeh Reflections: Juz 6) Who are our allies?

Todays war against Islam through colonialist foreign policy and punitive domestic measures makes clear as to why Allah (swt) warns us that the hostile Christians, Jews and other disbelievers are not to be taken as…

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86. Surah Al Tariq (The Morning Star)

Name The Surah taken its name from the word at-tariq in its first verse. Period of Revelation The style of its subject matter resembles that of the earliest Surahs revealed at Makkah, but this surah was sent…

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85. Surah Al Burooj (The Constellations)

Name The Surah is so designated after the word al buruj appearing in the first verse. Period of Revelation The subject matter itself indicates that this Surah was sent down at Makkah in the period when persecution…

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84. Surah Inshiqaq (The Splitting)

Name It is derived from the word inshaqqat in the first verse. Inshaqqat is infinitive which means to split asunder, thereby implying that it is the Surah in which mention has been made of the splitting asunder of the…

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83. Surah Al Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud) Name

Name It is derived from the very first verse; Wayl-ul-lil mutaffifin. Period of Revelation The style of the Surah and its subject matter clearly show that it was revealed in the earliest stage at Makkah, when…

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82. Surah Al Infitar (The Cleaving) Name

Name It is derived from the word infatarat in the first verse. Infitar is an infinitive which means to cleave or split asunder, thereby implying that it is the Surah in which the splitting asunder of the sky has…

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81. Surah At Takwir (The Folding Up)

Name It is derived from the word kuwwirat in the first verse. Kuwwirat is passive voice from takvir in the past tense, and means “that which is folded up”, thereby implying that it is a Surah in which the “folding up”…

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