Where is Naveed Butt? – Interview – (1/3)- Urdu

Where is Naveed Butt? – Interview – (1/3)- Urdu

Where is Naveed Butt? – Interview – (1/3)- Urdu

December 6, 2022
December 6, 2022

A Twitter campaign is scheduled for Saturday 26 December at 10 pm PST (5 pm GMT) to demand his immediate release with the hashtag: #FreeNaveedButt
The campaign is to conclude at midnight PST, 7 pm GMT. Please spread the word, especially amongst those you know in the Pakistani media as well as social media activists, lawyers, judges, politicians and ulema to highlight the case, with the Hashtag #FreeNaveedButt
May Allah (swt) secure the release of our brother soon and protect him from any harm.

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